Giacomo mio, Salviamoci!

@ Teatro Lauro Rossi, Macerata, 1998

An imposing orchestra embraces the only person on stage – a speaker who recites his personal tribute to the birth of a poet. There is a huge table in front of him. This is Leopardi’s desk-world, where the audience, from their boxes, can watch the images unfold. The narration develops as an intense dialogue between the musical, literary and visual components. The various elements are all present throughout, but they never explain each other. On the contrary, what gives this short fresco meaning are the crossovers, differences, and subtle vibrations provided by the many juxtapositions, the way the fleeting superimpositions surprise us, and the gaps left by these three parallel narrative elements.

Theatrical representation with narrator and orchestra.

OrfWare’s role

Software development, design consultancy, system integration, technical and IT setup, live performance operator.

Done for Studio Azzurro.